Glossary of Terms

Usedsurf Glossary of Terms

2 + 1 Setup - The fin set up where there is a center single box for a single fin and 2 smaller “side-bite” fins up front


5 Fin Box Setup - A setup designed to allow the board to be ridden as a thruster or a quad - not at the same time! Very very rare to have all 5 fins in at the same time. The main exception would be to have the board set up as a quad with a small “stabilizer” fin in the center box.


Asymm or Aysmmetrical Board - A board that has one side of the board different from the other side. One side will have a different length, outline, and in most cases fin set up. These boards are designed to be paired with either a regular foot surfer or a goofy foot surfer with the shorter side of the board going to your backhand side.


Bonzer setup - A 5 fin surfboard design that has 4 small elongated lower profile fins (usually glass-ons) and one single box center fin


Crude Repair - Usually a repair that is “blobby”  and is used to just “seal” the ding with no regard to the surface of the repair matching the contour of the board.


Delam (delamination) - a spot on a board where the fiberglass has lost its bond with the surface of the foam and starts to bubble or puff up. Delam’s are not a good thing and is best to steer clear of the board if they are present. Heat can worsen the delam because the hot temperature causes the air to expand and put further stress on the existing edges of the delam, and in some instances, cause it to expand over time.


Deep Pressure - A deep pressure dent where repeated strong pressure has been applied. Typical of a “heavy-footed” surfer that loved the board and rode it all the time. Sometimes if they are heavy on their heel or toe will crush one side down more than the other.


Drill Box - Where a leash loop comes through from the bottom, where a hole in the fin box has been drilled through to the surface of the deck.


Glass-ons - Where the fins are glassed to the board and are unable to be removed. Years ago, before fin boxes, this was the norm - now it is much more rare. 


Golf Balled - Heavily used board with multiple repeated shallow pressure dents that looks similar to the dimples on the surface of a golf ball.


Light Pressure - A pressure dent that is shallow in depth.


Medium Pressure -  A pressure dent that is slightly above average of depth.


Medium-ish Pressure - A pressure dent that is not not shallow but is not  quite medium.


Pressure Dents - Dents from the feet pushing down the foam under the glass. Very common and doesn't necessarily predispose the board to damage. Also can happen on the bottom from body parts hitting the board (if the board flips over on a fall) or transportation (things stacked on a board in the back of a truck) Etc.

Pro Repair - A repair that has been done by a professional, or equivalent thereof, where the ding has been filled, reinforced by fiberglass, and sanded with proper grit sandpaper to match the board contour and surface area.


Puncture - A hole in the glass that is not water tight.


Quad - Four fin surfboard. Usually has 2 average sized fins in the front and 2 smaller sized fins in the rear.


Semi Pro Repair - Usually a repair that has sealed the ding and has sanded the surface of the ding to match the contour of the board, but is missing additional structural reinforcement like fiberglass cloth over the ding area.


Single Fin or Single Box - The fin set up where there is a center single box for a single fin. The single fin can be a “glass-on” as well.


Spined Stringer -The compression of the foam on both sides of the stringer throughout the foot area causing the stringer to stick up higher than the surrounding foam.


Spiral Fractures/Shatters - A circular fracture that can or can not be water tight depending on the cracked glass


Sun Damage - Yellowing of the glass caused by long exposure sunlight and/or heat. This can also lead to delams (delamination)


Surface Scratch or Scuff - A visible area where something has rubbed up the board and scratched or scuffed the surface but has not damaged the board in any way shape or form. It is strictly cosmetic.


Thruster - Three fin surfboard. Mostly 3 equal sized fins.


Twin - Two fin surfboard. Usually has 2 bigger than average fins.


Under the Glass Crack - Looks like a crack in the glass but has not gone to the surface so remains water tight. If the fingernail doesn't catch on the edge that is a good indication that it is under the glass and still water tight.


Under the Glass Shatters - A spider web like shatter that has cracked but has not gone to the surface so remains water tight. If the fingernail doesn't catch on the edge that is a good indication that it is under the glass and still water tight.


Under Glass Streak - A compression of the foam in a lined form under the glass that can be caused by toe dragging, the point of a nose dragging against the surface of another board (if stacked on top of each other), or even pressing too hard when waxing your board.


Watertight - Means no water is getting in.


Yellowing - Typical of older boards but can happen in varying degrees over time. Caused mostly by sunlight and/or heat causing the resin and foam to yellow. Not always a bad thing but the yellower the foam and resin, the older and less strong the board typically.