Help! I need a set of thrusters or 2 + 1 for my 5'6 Rocket Wide. (Futures)

Posted by Fin Guru on Jan 20th 2022

Posted by Fin Guru on Jan 20th 2022

Help! I need a set of thrusters or 2 + 1 for my 5'6 Rocket Wide. (Futures)

Fin Guru FAQ (Futures Fins)

Name - Jackson

Height: 5'8
Weight: 130lb
Board Brand: Channel Islands
Board Model: Rocket Wide
Board Length: 5'8"
Board Width:  19  1/4"
Board Thickness: 2  5/16"
Board Volume: 26.9
Fin System: Futures
Fin(s) currently riding: Nothing yet
Please describe below what it is you are wanting more of out of your current fin/board experience (example - more drive, tighter turns, more release....etc) or any other questions you might have about fins or fin systems. Thank You.

i just want to find some thruster or 2+1 fins that are all rounders and will work in most situations.

Fin Guru Response:

Yo Jackson - how ae U? sorry for the lag in response - its been busy here. So i have heard people riding the Rocket Wide as a 2 plus 1 and a standard thruster. Most say they like it better with 2 + 1. As a thruster i would recommend the Medium AM1 HC for your weight and that size board. They have drive and the smaller center fin gives you some pivot. As a 2+1, i would say the AMT but they are kind of big for your size and the size of the board. There is a sick template from Captain that is nice and loose but still has drive. It has less surface area than the AMT but since your weight is lighter i think that would be a good thing. They are the Captain Fin CF Twin Especial. It is such a responsive fin. I hade a performance fish and i did the T1 and it was good - then i did the Rasta 2+1 and it was better. But then i did the CF twin Especial and the board was more responsive but i still had drive. That was my favorite out of the bunch and could be perfect for your situation. Hope that helps!

All the Best,

Fin Guru

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